Tag Archives: Apache

WordPress Security 2024: Best Scan Detection Protection

Web scan detection is a threat to your WordPress security. Scans are performed by malicious actors or bots, looking for open doors, and vulnerabilities in plugins. These scans can be used to identify outdated plugins, themes, or WordPress core versions that have known security vulnerabilities. Once these vulnerabilities are identified, attackers can exploit them to gain unauthorized access to the website, steal sensitive data, or use the website to launch further attacks. WordPress Security 2024: Best Scan Detection Protection against script kiddies and bad bots is here to tell you how to mitigate these risks.

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Redis VS Memcached 2018

This post is about performance between Redis VS Memcached, which are in-memory, networked object cache software.

There are 3 categories of caching systems on the server side: Memory code caching, Memory object caching, and Disk file caching. Objects can be anything though, including files. By file I mean any file: the generated HTML code that makes a page, a CSS, an image…

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Resolve SSL Vulnerabilities Detected by testssl

You checked your site SSL configuration with testssl.sh (see Test Your SSL Configuration with testssl) and it returned some SSL vulnerabilities? Here are some recipes to help you make sense of it all. You will most likely need the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator to protect your site with an up-to-date, correct SSL configuration.

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How To Test SSL Configurations With testssl.sh

Is your current SSL Configuration secure enough? Is you https site rejecting old clients? Here comes a great tool called testssl.sh. It’s a bash script, developed by drwetter on Github, to test SSL Configurations

Enabling SSL for your site is a great idea overall. However, navigate around the multitude of SSL Configurations available for Apache and nginx is quite daunting. What’s best? What’s most secure? Are you privileging compatibility against security? testssl will help you decide what’s best for your site.

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SSL Configuration for Dummies

Dealing with SSL Configuration for Apache or nginx is not easy. There are so many ciphers, and we are constantly reading about breaches and exploits caused by some cipher… If you look around, a lot of bloggers propose this and that snippet of configuration, claiming it’s the best. Thus, after some time searching the web, you will feel like you are completely lost!

Hopefully, Mozilla offer an SSL Configuration Generator, to help you decide between security and availability. It’s AUTO-MAGIC!

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