Tag Archives: SysAdmin

Redis vs APCu 2018

Redis VS APCu Object Cache performance test 2018: is it relevant anyway? Redis is fast, but APCu is faster. Unfortunately, APCu is being pushed on the side of the road as an Object cache, and here is why.

There are 3 categories of caching systems on the server side: Memory code caching, Memory object caching, and Disk file caching. Objects can be anything though, including files. By file I mean any file: the generated HTML code that makes a page, a CSS, an image…

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Redis VS Memcached 2018

This post is about performance between Redis VS Memcached, which are in-memory, networked object cache software.

There are 3 categories of caching systems on the server side: Memory code caching, Memory object caching, and Disk file caching. Objects can be anything though, including files. By file I mean any file: the generated HTML code that makes a page, a CSS, an image…

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DDwrt: Free Ad-Blocking DNS Home Router

Unleash your router with DDwrt and transform it into a Free Ad-Blocking DNS Home Router!

You may already know about Ad-Blocking plugins such as ABP or uBlock Origin for Chrome and Firefox, and these work fine… for your computer browser. But these plugins cannot be installed on a media TV, nor on TV Set Top box, nor on a multimedia phone.

Unless I missed something, iPhone browsers are all the same as they rely on Apple’s web framework. I’ve tested different ones some time ago on my 5gs and their web rendering results are all the same (Safari, Dolphin, Firefox). Therefore, they cannot accept plugins, not even mentioning Ad-Blocking plugins. Boooo. Even so jailbreaking allows you to install a local dns blocker, this will break ads detection in many apps, rendering them useless.

Solution? Install the Ad-Blocking software on your router:


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