Tag Archives: Bootstrap

Bootstrap Shortcoder plugin for WordPress

Bootstrap Shortcoder is a TinyMCE plugin to insert Bootstrap components via a set of shortcodes. Forked from Bootstrap 3 Shortcodes by Michael W. Delaney and Simon Yeldon, under MIT license. Original is unmaintained for 3 years, as it always happens with large projects that do not generate money. As it’s my daily driver, reviving it is the least I can do!


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Twitter Bootstrap Callout CSS Styles 3.x-4.x


Bootstrap Callout

The Bootstrap Callout styles in their documentation is really a nice way to draw attention to important information. For some reason these Callouts are not included in the actual Bootstrap distribution.

Here is my interpretation of the missing CSS code for generic Bootstrap Callouts. The color codes for the info, warning, and danger Callouts are a direct pull from their live CSS for the docs, so I added styles for default, success, and primary.

They include a nice background, color derived from Bootstrap color rules. They also include a transparent and a disabled class.

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