SexTape de Benjamin Griveaux

Les site relayant la sex tape de Benjamin Griveaux n’etaient pas assez nombreux, Ils sont tous down! La France a toujours assez de courage et d’abnegation pour couvrir les deboirs de ses chers hommes politiques. Impossible d’acceder aux photos ou aux videos, apres seulement 3 jours!!


Summary (English)

picture of benjamin griveaux
You didn’t see that one coming, did you?

Source: AFP

EDIT 2024

Let’s face it… I was hacked. Weeks after, with the duplicity of Amazon (AWS) which I left since then. I buried my head in the sand for the past 4 years trying to ignore it, improving security, resilience, swaping Clouds, thinking that it was a File System error… But no, there are evidences.

What I can tell when I realized:

  • recent nginx logs were missing
  • *all* images uploaded for the past 2 months were missing
  • database not corrupt but… all media references removed.
    • normally, when you delete a picture from the file system, it stays in your media page and shows as missing
    • in this case, the media attachments were also missing. Someone indeed did some cleanup
    • the post is still there. They left it intact as a warning.
  • nothing relevant in system log
  • a server reboot was recorded

Who other then Amazon would give access to my disk space? Why is the post still in place and no visible database alteration other then missing pictures? Why only the last 2 months of pictures uploaded were missing? Only the last 2 months, really? Why wasn’t my site entirely wiped?

This makes no sense, the more I think about it. Hackers or whoever that was, carefully deleted ONLY the pictures under wp-content/uploads, and ONLY the last 2 months. It’s been carefully done: just enough damage, looking like it was Amazon’s fault. I suspected a file system restore as they sometimes do, without telling their customers. But the tempering evidences in the database are too strong.

To top it off, it also happened at a time where I frantically started pasting stuff directly to the site, not having local backups. Lesson learned!

Now I have to fix all those posts for which the pictures were deleted:

  • How To Install Pi-Hole DNS Ad blocker
  • Your Own Cheap VPN for $1/mo
  • CenturyLink is Bad
  • Des batteries quasi éternelles fabriquées à partir de déchets nucléaires
  • Let’s start calling the novel coronavirus the CCP virus
  • WHO: 70% of sick in China have recovered
  • We Found Out Where All Of The Toilet Paper Went!
  • Coronavirus Cure: Best Treatments
  • There Are Only 2 Genders
  • Voir La SexTape de Benjamin Griveaux

Being hacked, or bare-back doored by your own Cloud provider is not a pleasant feeling. What do you think happened? If I was hacked, why did they delete only 2 months of pictures? Why not the database and the whole uploads folder? Why not the post itself?

I’d love to have your thoughts, maybe I’m just overthinking it…?


Images and traces que j’ai pu sauvegarder avant que la Republique ne fasse le menage: downLa premiere source a avoir offert les videos du ruskof (a qui on avait rien demande) est down.

Ce site a clairement ete cree pour cette occasion, et cela ne date pas d’hier: le whois montre un enregistrement au Canada, qui date de Novembre 2019!

La France a meme reussi a bloquer le contenu de waybackmachine,org! Jugez plutot: ce lien liste les snapshots du site

wayback machine archive down

Quand on clique la page se charge mais apres 2 secondes est remplacee par ceci:

wayback machine downEt impossible de recharger la page bien sur. Meme resultat avec les autres snapshots. Comment ont-ils fait?

Il est interessant de noter qu’il n’y a de snapshots QUE pour les journees du 13 et 14 Fevrier:

wayback machine last snapshotCe site a visiblement ete cree de toute piece pour cette affaire. Vous aurez un peu plus de chance avec les “archives” du site, mais toujours pas acces aux videos

Curieusement, avait aussi une page sur le sujet:

La page est bien sure bloquee: down

Pas besoin de mentionner que Twitter a bien sur supprime les comptes de ceux qui relayaient l’information. Ils ont aussi supprime mon compte parceque ces wokes de Californie n’aimaient pas ma pic de profile.

twitter down

Certain forums and facebook proposent d’aller fureter sur pornhub… La encore la machine gouvernementale a fait le menage:

pornhub down

Meme des commentaires plutot serieux sur l’affaire sont retires! Jugez plutot: moderated

Aura-t-on plus de chances avec Youtube? Il y a bien un moyen pour retrouver des videos supprimees, mais cela ne fonctionne que si queulqu’un a uploade la video sur un site alternatif…

youtube private

delutube Dtube Peertube etc

On avait plusieurs sites qui permettaient d’uploader des videos Youtube supprimmees. Non seulement ils n’apparaissent plus dans les recherches Google et Duckduckgo, mais ils sont soit down eux aussi, soit personne n’a eu le temps d’uploader! Sale temps pour la liberte d’expression. downFallouts

La carriere de ce pourri est peut etre finie, mais pour le russe qui a leaked la video, c’est une autre histoire.

russian performance artist pyotr pavlensky in november 2015. photo by sergei savostyanov via getty images.
Russian performance artist Pyotr Pavlensky in November 2015. Photo by Sergei Savostyanov via Getty Images.

Aparement, ce ruskov est un arsonist. Il fout le feu partout ou il va pour raisons diverses et variees, et se fait prendre en photo devant. Apres avoir gracieusement ete accepte avec sa demande d’asile, il met le feu a la Banque de France en 2017. C’est comme ca qu’il remercie le pays qui lui a donne asile. Et il appelle ca de l’Art. Celui la aussi c’est un sacre fils de pute.

Tous des fils de pute dans cette affaire degueulasse.



J’ai eu plus de chance pour trouver la video de Mr Hand que les photos minables de Benjamin Griveaux.

Qui l’eu cru? Rien sur Google, rien sur Duckduckgo, rien sur Youtube, rien sur Bing, rien sur Yahoo, rien sur Yandex, and meme la wayback machine a ete nettoyee!

Benjamin Griveaux sextape,i was hacked,Benjamin Griveaux,pornopolitique

Sale temps pour la liberte d’expression sur Internet. Depuis sa “Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” en 1996, ni Barlow lui-meme, ni sa fondation EFF n’ont pas permit d’ameliorer la situation.

La France est toujours une grande puissance, que vous le vouliez ou non. Elle a des allies partout, le rapide cleanup de wayback machine en est la preuve. Essayez vous-meme d’effacer vos propre archives, vous allez comprendre comme c’est long et difficile.

Appel aux dons

Vous avez sauvegarde la video? Les photos? Vous avez des liens qui marchent? Envoyez moi ca! Je suis curieux de voir comment la France va me bloquer une seconde fois.



Cloud Backup Strategy on AWS

Cloud Backup

Always have a Cloud Backup plan.

Mila Kunis

So, you moved to the Cloud and you got yourself one or more server? You host your own data and potentially even client data? What if you got hacked today? Database corruption, File corruption, accidental deletion, all these nice things happen all the time.

Cloud Backup Its Not a Matter “If” but “When”

IRS Criminal Investigation

Hopefully, AWS offers lots of options when it comes to Cloud Backup and data redundancy. On the other hand, Online Cloud Backup is not free. EBS Snapshots and S3 Buckets are darn cheap, but costs accumulate since you pay by the GB.

What Are My Cloud Backup Options?

EBS Snapshots

Cloud Backup

Convenient, easy to generate, easy to automate, EBS Snapshots are however the most expensive Cloud Backup option from AWS.

EBS Snapshots = $0.05 per GB-month of data stored
50GB = $2.5 per month

Snapshots are critical for fast data recovery though, they are therefore necessary for your system volumes. Convenient, easy to generate, easy to automate, EBS Snapshots however can become quite expensive in the long run.


Conclusion: You can live with only one snapshot in rotation every 24h per system volume, but for data volumes you certainly do not want that. Also, indeed Snapshots can be automated by aws cli, it makes the Snapshots console neither fish nor fowl. You don’t have this issue with S3 Buckets since you are forced to build scripts from the start.

What are these aws cli scripts you are mentioning?

Check this AWS documentation out. 

S3 Buckets

S3 Buckets are a much cheaper Cloud Backup alternative. Pretty much everything to know is said on AWS’ own wiki, but it’s a bit more complex. Depending on how frequently you want to access your data, you can go as low as $0.00099, as of 2020. Look at the prices below

 Storage pricing
   S3 Standard – General purpose storage for any type of data, typically used for frequently accessed data  
 First 50 TB / Month That’s already half the cost of Snapshots$0.023 per GB 
 Next 450 TB / Month $0.022 per GB 
 Over 500 TB / Month $0.021 per GB 
 S3 Intelligent – Tiering * – Automatic cost savings for data with unknown or changing access patterns  
 Frequent Access Tier, First 50 TB / Month $0.023 per GB 
 Frequent Access Tier, Next 450 TB / Month $0.022 per GB 
 Frequent Access Tier, Over 500 TB / Month $0.021 per GB 
 Infrequent Access Tier, All Storage / Month $0.0125 per GB 
 Monitoring and Automation, All Storage / Month $0.0025 per 1,000 objects 
 S3 Standard – Infrequent Access * – For long lived but infrequently accessed data that needs millisecond access $0.0125 per GB 
 S3 One Zone – Infrequent Access * – For re-createable infrequently accessed data that needs millisecond access $0.01 per GB 
   S3 Glacier ** – For long-term backups and archives with retrieval option from 1 minute to 12 hours $0.004 per GB 
 S3 Glacier Deep Archive ** – For long-term data archiving that is accessed once or twice in a year and can be restored within 12 hours $0.00099 per GB 

S3 Buckets are clearly cheaper. By default, my 50GB volume backup now costs me only $1.15, that’s 53% LESS than Snapshots. However, you cannot upload a Snapshot to S3. Even though they are hosted on S3, that’s in a separate network administered by AWS. All you can do is upload files. Remember dd? This smells like you need scripts!

How much do S3 Buckets cost?

It’s per GB.
Standard = $0.023 (50GB = $1.15/mo)
Standard _IA = $0.0125 (50GB = 62 cents/mo!)
Glacier = $0.004 (50GB = 20 cents/mo!!)
Glacier Deep = $0.00099 (50GB = 5 cents/mo!!!)

Can you automate them?

Yes. With scripts in bash, using the aws cli commands and a bit of cron.

How far back in time can you go for your $$$?

Since you can automate backup files expiration with scripts, it’s easy to keep the few you need and pay only for those.

What if I want to restore last month backup?

Restore the monthly or the weekly that you have setup. You could also retain 30 snapshots in rotation.

Wait a minute. 30 Snapshots?

Yes, for the price of an S3 Glacier, your 30 snapshots at $12/mo now cost less than a dollar! Access costs are negligible.

How much costs 30 Snapshots?

Standard: 30 * 8GB * $0.023 = $5.52/mo
Glacier: 30 * 8GB * $0.004 = $0.96/mo

Can you backup each week instead?

Why not.

Can you automate the snapshots deletion?


What scripting language to use?

Scripts with bash or zsh for loafs like me (rely on the aws cli binaries), and Python for the courageous, or Ruby for the smart. Python and Ruby come with ssl and POST capabilities, which is needed to use the S3 API.

Wrapping up

More on S3 automation and its drawbacks in the next post! The goal being to sleep with your deaf ear up, a bit more efforts and challenge is needed the reach the Graal of the ultimate bargain price possible.

If you prefer convenience and money is not an issue, be my guest and go for hand-managed Snapshots in the console.