All posts by Team Cook

Bachelor in IT, father, Photograph, Communist slayer. I build useful tools for my community, and destroy repetitive tasks for the past 20 years.

Work Smarter 8: Regain Focus with The Kanban system

In our series dedicated to help you diagnose your own productivity challenges, and work smarter: The Kanban system.


In the last session we learned about the use of the ‘Pomodoro technique’ to track time and to keep focused. Today we’ll look at the Kanban system.

Kanban system

This productivity tool is great for helping improve focus, and can also improve time awareness, prioritization, and organization.

It’s a multifaceted tool that takes its name from the Japanese word for ‘sign’ (kanban). The Kanban system comes from the world of Toyota car manufacturing, where managers introduced visual signs to increase production efficiency.

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